navidades diferentes en la playa de gandia
Christmas in Gandia

If you want to spend a different Christmas this year, don’t hesitate, come to Gandía, we propose a thousand plans! From December 1 to January 5, you will find a lot of activities to celebrate Christmas in Gandía: the lights, Plaça del Nadal; parades of Santa Claus and Three Wise Men; or two types of…

What to do at Easter in Gandia…or just relax

What will the weather be like during Easter Week, what can I do, what is the most interesting thing to do, what can’t I miss? When we have a few days of vacation, as in Easter, we ask ourselves many questions, normal, we are eager to enjoy a break and we want it to be…

Fallas to enjoy everything

Las Fallas is Valencia’s big festival: light, fire, pyrotechnics…joy. The word fault comes from the Latin facula, meaning “torch”.This makes perfect sense if we relate it to one of the versions that places its origin with the ancient tradition of carpenters who, on the eve of the feast of their patron saint, St. Joseph, burned…
